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Nutrition Workshop

Are you ready to up your nutrition game? Our nutritionist Chelsea is hosting a Nutrition Workshop on January 16th! We'll be talking all about how to improve diet, burn fat, boost energy levels, and prevent disease. Each attendee will take a Nutrition Evaluation to assess exactly what steps to take to make 2016 the healthiest year yet!

At the workshop you will:

  • Receive results of your Nutrition Evaluation (read more about this below)
  • Listen to Chelsea explain what your results mean and what action steps to take
  • Ask questions during the Q&A session

The workshop is January 16 from 1:15 pm to 3:15 pm. The registration deadline is January 9th so sign up now!

About the Nutrition Evaluation:

After filling out detailed questions online you will receive a Symptom Burden Graph at the workshop. The example pictured is from a Dancer's Shape Client that Chelsea worked with last year. At the workshop Chelsea will go over the chart to help interpret your results and teach you how to reduce inflammation through diet changes. (The red line is the initial assessment and the blue is after working with Chelsea for several months).

About Chelsea:

Chelsea is a Nutritional Therapist certified by the Nutritional Therapy Association. She takes a holistic and foundational approach to health by assessing the underlying root causes and nutritional deficiencies that are holding you back from optimal health. She is your personal guide, teacher, and advocate to feeling your best every day. Doctors treat you once you are already sick; Chelsea wants to keep you out of doctor offices by supporting your body’s instinctive healing capabilities through nutritional therapy. For your convenience,

While working with Chelsea, you can expect to:

  • identify health goals
  • assess nutritional deficiencies
  • address foundational body burdens and inflammation (the root of chronic disease)
  • learn how your food choices are impacting your body
  • incorporate nutritional, supplemental, and lifestyle changes to achieve optimal health

Incorporating nutritional changes along with your exercise routine will help you see incredible changes and lead to an overall healthier you!